All parts of you are welcome here.


Beth Turrell (she/they) is a down to Earth, queer Integrative Therapist seeking to guide folk to a more soulful approach to living, embracing all parts of who we are with warmth and love.

Beth spent much of their life feeling frustrated and dissatisfied - surely, this can’t be it? They felt there had to be more but didn’t know where to find it, how to be ‘fixed?’.

After periods of anxiety, disconnection, intrusive thoughts, distraction, i.e. sickness, Beth realised the answers were inside them all along. Not in the bottom of the empty wine glass; in hyper achievement; in starvation or over-eating, in excessive exercise, certainly not in toxic positivity. As Beth began to, ‘do the work’, face up to hard truths about their own family dynamics and dysfunctional patterns, things, slowly, started to transform.

By welcoming all parts of who we are, listening to our innate wisdom, dropping into our bodies, honouring our ancestors and grieving our trauma, we cultivate a deeper connection and a lighter, more playful, balanced life can emerge. We can return home, to who we really are. Peace at last. And joy!

Contact Beth

You deserve to live a whole (not half) hearted life. If this work calls to you, reach out for a free Connection Call.

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